Mulley WR, Hughes PD, Collins MG, Pilmore HL, Clayton PA, Wyld ML, Lee D, van der Jeugd J, Fernando SC, Kuo SF, Tan S, Jahan S, Lim WH. Defining causes of death-censored kidney allograft failure: A 5-year multicentre ANZDATA and clinical cross-sectional study. Nephrology (Carlton). 2024 Dec;29(12):930-940.
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Irish G, Caskey FJ, Davids MR, Tonelli M, Yang CW, Arruebo S, Damster S, Donner JA, Jha V, Levin A, Nangaku M, Saad S, Ye F, Okpechi IG, Bello AK, Johnson DW. Global data monitoring systems and early identification for kidney diseases. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2024 Sep 5;39(Supplement_2):ii49-ii55. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfae127.
Bateman S, Owen K, Lester R, Pearson O, Lawton P, McDonald S, Jesudason S, Clayton PA. The survival benefit of deceased donor kidney transplantation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2006-20: a retrospective national cohort study. Med J Aust. 2024 Jul 15;221(2):111-116. doi: 10.5694/mja2.52361. Epub 2024 Jun 19.PMID: 38894650
Irish GL, Fadhil RAS, Rondeau E, Nagral S, Ahmadipour M, Coates PT, Martin DE. International Travel for Organ Transplantation: A Survey of Professional Experiences and Attitudes Toward Data Collection and Reporting. Transplant Direct. 2024 Jun 13;10(7):e1655. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001655. eCollection 2024 Jul.
Cazzolli R, Sluiter A, Bateman S, Candler H, Cho Y, Cooper T, Craig JC, Dominello A, Duncanson E, Guha C, Hawley CM, Hewawasam E, Hickey L, Hill K, Howard K, Howell M, Huuskes BM, Irish GL, Jesudason S, Johnson DW, Kelly A, Leary D, Manera K, Mazis J, McDonald S, McLennan H, Muthuramalingam S, Pummeroy M, Scholes-Robertson N, Teixeira-Pinto A, Tunnicliffe DJ, van Zwieten A, Viecelli AK, Wong G, Jaure A. Improving Diverse and Equitable Involvement of Patients and Caregivers in Research in CKD: Report of a Better Evidence and Translation-Chronic Kidney Disease (BEAT-CKD) Workshop. Am J Kidney Dis. 2024 Oct;84(4):482-494. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2024.03.026. Epub 2024 May 27.
Francis A, Wainstein M, Irish G, Abdul Hafidz MI, Chen T, Cho Y, Htay H, Kanjanabuch T, Lalji R, Neuen BL, See E, Shah A, Smyth B, Tungsanga S, Viecelli A, Yeung EK, Arruebo S, Bello AK, Caskey FJ, Damster S, Donner JA, Jha V, Johnson DW, Levin A, Malik C, Nangaku M, Okpechi IG, Tonelli M, Ye F, Wong MG, Bavanandan S; Regional Board and ISN-GKHA Team Authors. Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Oceania and South East Asia (OSEA) region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). Kidney Int Suppl (2011). 2024 Apr;13(1):110-122. doi: 10.1016/j.kisu.2024.01.004. Epub 2024 Apr 8.
Pippias M, Abeysekera RA, Arruebo S, Davids MR, Damster S, Gonzales-Bedat MC, Hanafusa N, Hoshino J, Hradsky A, Irish GL, Jager KJ, Karam S, Kumar V, McDonald SP, Rosa-Diez GJ, Tannor EK, Wetmore JB, Caskey FJ. A toolkit for ISN’s registry initiative, SharE-RR. Kidney Int. 2024 Apr;105(4):646-648. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2024.02.002.
Roberts MA, Davies CE, Brown L, Chua SJ, Irish G, Kairaitis L, Krishnasamy R, See E, Semple D, Toussaint ND, Viecelli AK, Polkinghorne KR. Greater haemodialysis exposure (‘quotidian haemodialysis’) has different mortality associations by patient age group. Clin Kidney J. 2024 Apr 9;17(5):sfae103. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfae103. eCollection 2024 May.
McMichael LC, Gill J, Kadatz M, Lan J, Landsberg D, Johnston O, Keenan S, Ferre E, Harriman D, Gill JS. High-Functioning Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant System Characterisitcs: The British Columbia Experience With an Opt-In System. Kidney Med. 2024 Mar 21;6(5):100812. doi: 10.1016/j.xkme.2024.100812. eCollection 2024 May.
McMichael LC, Gulyani A, Clayton PA. Assessing survival post-kidney transplantation in Australia: A multivariable prediction model. Nephrology (Carlton). 2024 Mar;29(3):143-153. doi: 10.1111/nep.14257. Epub 2023 Nov 28.PMID: 38014653
Keuskamp D, Davies CE, Irish GL, Jesudason S, McDonald SP. Predicting the future: modelling Australian dialysis prevalence 2021-30. Aust Health Rev. 2023 Jun;47(3):362-368. doi: 10.1071/AH22291.
Collins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, Hawley CM, Johnson DW, Varghese J, Hickey LE, Clayton PA, Dansie KB, McConnochie RC, Vergara LA, Kiriwandeniya C, Reidlinger D, Mount PF, Weinberg L, McArthur CJ, Coates PT, Endre ZH, Goodman D, Howard K, Howell M, Jamboti JS, Kanellis J, Laurence JM, Lim WH, McTaggart SJ, O’Connell PJ, Pilmore HL, Wong G, Chadban SJ; BEST-Fluids Investigators; Australasian Kidney Trials Network. Balanced crystalloid solution versus saline in deceased donor kidney transplantation (BEST-Fluids): a pragmatic, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2023 Jul 8;402(10396):105-117. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00642-6. Epub 2023 Jun 18.PMID: 37343576 Clinical Trial.
Irish GL, Campbell S, Kanellis J, Wyburn K, Clayton PA. Temporal validation of the Australian estimated post-transplant survival score. Nephrology (Carlton). 2023 May;28(5):292-298. doi: 10.1111/nep.14158.PMID: 36941195
Lu J, Hewawasam E, Davies CE, Clayton PA, McDonald SP, Jesudason S. Preeclampsia after Kidney Transplantation: Rates and Association with Graft Survival and Function. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Jul 1;18(7):920-929. doi: 10.2215/CJN.0000000000000155. Epub 2023 May 4.
Irish GL, Cuthbertson L, Kitsos A, Saunder T, Clayton PA, Jose MD. The kidney failure risk equation predicts kidney failure: Validation in an Australian cohort. Nephrology (Carlton). 2023 Jun;28(6):328-335. doi: 10.1111/nep.14160. Epub 2023 Apr 19.PMID: 37076122
Irish GL, McMichael LC, Kadatz M, Boudville N, Campbell S, Chadban S, Chang D, Kanellis J, Sharples E, Gill JS, Clayton PA. The living kidney donor profile index fails to discriminate allograft survival: implications for its use in kidney paired donation programs. Am J Transplant. 2023 Feb;23(2):232-238. doi: 10.1016/j.ajt.2022.10.001.
McDonald SP, Irish GL.Should You Accept What Others Reject? Transplantation. 2023 Jun 1;107(6):1244-1245. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000004468. Epub 2022 Dec 30.
Irish GL, Weightman A, Hersch J, Coates PT, Clayton PA. Do patient decision aids help people who are facing decisions about solid organ transplantation? A systematic review. Clin Transplant. 2023 Apr;37(4):e14928. doi: 10.1111/ctr.14928. Epub 2023 Feb 19.PMID: 36744626
Collins MG, Fahim MA, Pascoe EM, Hawley CM, Johnson DW, Varghese J, Hickey LE, Clayton PA, Gill JS, Dansie KB, McConnochie RC, Vergara LA, Kiriwandeniya C, Reidlinger D, Mount PF, Weinberg L, McArthur CJ, Coates PT, Endre ZH, Goodman D, Howard K, Howell M, Jamboti JS, Kanellis J, Laurence JM, Lim WH, McTaggart SJ, O’Connell PJ, Pilmore HL, Wong G, Chadban SJ. Baseline Characterisitcs and Representativeness of Participants in the BEST-Fluids Trial: A Randomized Trial of Balanced Crystalloid Solution Versus Saline in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation. Transplant Direct. 2022 Nov 4;8(12):e1399. doi: 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001399. eCollection 2022 Dec.PMID: 36479278
Weightman AC, Coghlan S, Clayton PA. Respecting living kidney donor autonomy: an argument for liberalising living kidney donor acceptance criteria. Monash Bioeth Rev. 2023 Dec;41(2):156-173. doi: 10.1007/s40592-022-00166-4. Epub 2022 Dec 9.
Sypek MP, Howell M, Howard K, Wong G, Duncanson E, Clayton PD, et al. Healthcare professional and community preferences in deceased donor kidney allocation: a best‐worst scaling survey. American Journal of Transplantation. 2022;22(3):886-97.
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Hewawasam E, Davies CE, Li Z, Clayton P, Sullivan E, McDonald SP, et al. Determinants of Perinatal Outcomes in Dialyzed and Transplanted Women in Australia. Kidney international reports. 2022;7(6):1318-31.
Dobrijevic ELK, Au EHK, Rogers NM, Clayton PA, Wong G, Allen RDM. Association Between Side of Living Kidney Donation and Post-Transplant Outcomes. Transpl Int. 2022;35(10117):10117-1-77-11.
Hewawasam E, Davies CE, Gulyani A, Li Z, Clayton PA, Sullivan E, McDonald SP, Jesudason S. Factors influencing fertility rates in Australian women receiving kidney replacement therapy: analysis of linked Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry and perinatal data over 22 years. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2022 May 25;37(6):1152-1161. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfab157.PMID: 33848341
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